One sad week full of farewell get togethers

Its sunday again. Three of my friends have finished their internship and left for New York. It’s sad that those people had to leave after all that fun we had in the last 4 Weeks. On the other hand, two more friends have arrived on friday, they will commit their internship tomorrow.

Another fun and action packed week has passed but the weekend was not filled with hour long drives to far far away destinations. This however was not a problem.
At work I was initiating the survey of how to improve the usability of the Calendar program for the test benches and suggested accordingly a few changes for the database.
After work hours were filled with cinema on Tuesday, window shopping on Wednesday, Farewell BBQ on Thursday and Pub hangout on Friday. The movie on Tuesday was about a person who is usually not a drug dealer but gets caught on his first deal, a deal which he didn’t even want to take part in. The person is sentenced for 10 years with possibility to reduce to 2 years if he helps the police to SNITCH (the title of the movie) another drug dealer. However the person is not willing to get that much in trouble just to shorten his time in prison. Meanwhile the person is treated badly by his inmates. The father of the person sees his son in bad conditions and starts then himself to help to police to snitch another drug dealer. This works out pretty well and his son is released immediately. On Wednesday i missed the shooting inside a shooting range but went shopping in the Oaks mall with those guys just afterwards. I didn’t spend anything on clothes but it was nice to stroll around and look at the items. A very yummy cheese cake at the Cheese Cake Factory was a nice round off for this evening. The BBQ on Thursday was initiated by three colleagues to herald their end of their time in California. The beef steaks were massive and the salads provided by the hosts wife were tasting awesome! The whole meal was accompanied by light discussions and superb drinks. Friday night was another meeting between colleagues in Camarillos Bar BandIts, again to herald the farewell. It is a bar with nice mexican ambiance. Peanuts are for free and the peanut shells can be left on the floor. Its a weird feeling walking on all the peanut shells. At half past eight, I decided to join 2 more colleagues and their friends in Santa Barbara which is a drive of roughly 1 hour. I was dancing little and drinking a coke in the Sandbar and left Santa Barbara at roughly half past eleven to not go to bed too late.
Saturday started with a breakfast and chillout on the sun lit terrace in the garden of my home. Later a few of us and I went to Venice Beach to stroll along the beach and to discover the differences of the people who are living there. We were not the only ppl going there, hence we searched a parking spot in Venice for approx an hour. The weather was nice and the sand very fine grain but the water was freezing cold. Hence noone of us went for a bath in the sea. We found several pot treatment centers which were advertinsing “for medical evaluation”. The open air gym on the beach was another sign for great life style as well as the beach front houses. I witnessed that these people there do not have a bad life too. Another BBQ at a colleagues place took place once we reached back to Camarillo. The massive beef steaks were accompanied by a grand Salad bowl and XL potatoes garnished with sour cream, bacon and cheese. What a delicious feast!
Sunday times were filled by a hang out on Oxnard beach shore. The wind was cold but the sand here was also very fine grain and white. Also there were 4 swings which we used extensively, a basketball ground where we precisely threw the ball in the basket and a few volleyball grounds which we didn’t use. I guess its a nice place to come back when it is getting warmer in Cali! Night times we watched the movie “Into The Wild” in my cute lil room with microwaved popcorn and Lays chips plus everyones favourite drink – mine was Arizone ice tea for 99 ct a liter.

I think you need to wait a lil longer for some pictures, there are no pictures of the week neither on my digital camera nor on my mobile ;-)
Stay tuned pictures will come earlier or later!